OSCTwenteEventsPast OSCT-DCC Events

Past OSCT-DCC Events


Bring your code

When: 10th June 2024 13:00 - 17:00

Where: tba


Join us for the OSCT-DCC June event, “Bring  your code” presented by the Thematic Digital Competence Centre (TDCC), Natural & Engineering Sciences (NES), Software sustainability Project in collaboration with the Netherlands e-Science Center. 

Have you ever found yourself facing the challenge of developing a Software Management Plan (SMP) for your project, only to feel unsure where to start? Or perhaps you already have an SMP in place, but you're seeking feedback and suggestions for improvement?

Look no further! Our walk-in session offers what you need!

In addition to SMP guidance, we'll offer insights and strategies for making your research code FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Gain insights, support, and actionable suggestions to elevate your code's impact and accessibility.

Can't make it for the walk-in session? No problem! Join us for the presentations and social hour!


13:00 - 15:00

Walk-in session
Receive personalized assistance tailored to your SMP development needs.

15:00 - 15:45

What, why and how: Software Management Plans (SMPs) & best practices in research software development
Gain insights into SMPs and best practices.

15:00 - 16:00

Optional parallel walk-in session (if needed)

15:45 - 16:00


16:00 - 17:00

Social & networking hour

Don't let SMP development or research code refinement hold you back. Join us at our event and take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of your projects. Reserve your spot today!"


Insights into CodeCHECK NL

When: 30th May 2024 at 14:00

Where: Online

Speaker: Frank Ostermann


CODECHECK tackles one of the main challenges of computational research by supporting codecheckers with a workflow, guidelines and tools to evaluate computer programs underlying scientific papers. The independent time-stamped runs conducted by codecheckers will award a “certificate of executable computation” and increase availability, discovery and reproducibility of crucial artefacts for computational sciences. In his talk, Frank will give insights about the developments of Codecheck in the Netherlands, i.e., Codecheck NL.


The 4TU.ResearchData Roadshow Hits the Road

When: 25th April 2024 at 14:00

Where: DesignLab - LEARN-X


4TU.ResearchData will be organising another edition of their 4TU.ResearchData Roadshow this year! They will be visiting their partner universities – TU Delft, University of Twente, Eindhoven University and Wageningen University – to engage and highlight the importance of joining their community; and exchange ideas with both researchers and university staff. 

During the Roadshow, themes will include:

For more information about the programme, see 4TU.ResearchData

The 4TU.ResearchData Roadshow to the University of Twente, is organised in collaboration with the The Open Science Community Twente and the Digital Competence Center University of Twente (UT-DCC).


14:00 - 14:15

Walk in with coffee/tea.

14:30 - 15:00

Presentation about various community initiatives.

15:00 - 15:15


15:15 - 15:45

Introduction to the FAIR Data Fund.

15:45 - 16:00

Presentation and brainstorming about digital skills development.

16:00 - 17:00

Drinks and snacks.

Opportunities offered by TDCCs

When: 21st March 2024 at 14:00

Where: online


At the University of Twente, our vibrant community of researchers spans a diverse range of fields, facilitating collaboration with and through the Thematic Digital Competence Centres (TDCCs). The TDCCs are network based initiatives set up by NWO and the Dutch academic community to broker investments into open science projects with one pillar each for Social Sciences & Humanities (TDCC-SSH),  Natural and Engineering Sciences (TDCC-NES), and Life Sciences & Health (TDCC-LSH). In this event, we have allocated time slots (20 minutes for each TDCC, including Q&A sessions) to delve into the latest developments. These sessions offer valuable insights into critical bottleneck projects, ongoing funded initiatives, and available funding opportunities, such as the NWO TDCC call for proposals. Moreover, the event serves as a platform for nurturing connections among researchers, UT-DCC, and TDCCs, fostering a collaborative and innovative environment.

Space Mission to Open Science

When: 29th February 2024 at 14:00

Where: LA 1208

Speaker: Organizers

At this event, we will give you a brief update on our community goals for 2024. Moreover, we would like to invite you to join us on a space mission to discover and experience Open Science. For this interactive event, please bring your laptop including a headset, camera, and preferably an external mouse, and a pen & paper.

Let's Discuss the Open Science Guide for Early-Career Researchers

When: 30th November 2023 at 14:00

Where: Skills Lab (SL) 3, Vrijhof Building (Floor 2)

Speaker: Roberto Cruz Martinez (UT-LISA) 


Did you know that in April this year a practical guide on Open Science was published? This guide is aimed at PhD candidates, Research Master Students, and early-career researchers from all disciplines at Dutch universities and research institutes. It is designed to accompany researchers in every step of their research. In this event, we would like to discuss with you the guide, particularly the first two sections of it:

We expect participants to read the sections above, which in total are only 11 pages of content, including interesting visuals and linked resources that we can discover together. The discussion will be facilitated by a moderator, so no more preparation is required. Come and share your own experiences and insights!

The future of the OSCT

When: 28th September 2023 at 14:00 - 16:00

Where: Grand Café The Gallery

Speaker: Raul Zurita Milla


The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has launched a call for funding for Open Science Communities. At this event we will give a presentation about our future goals for the OSCT and how we plan to achieve these goals with the help of the NWO funding. As we want to take OS forward as a community, we kindly invite you to (critically) discuss our plan and goals. 


Citizen Science and the Citizen Science Hub Twente

When: 25th May 2023 at 14:00 - 15:00

Where: MS Teams (online)

Speaker: Representatives of the CS Hub Twente


This event will be about Citizen Science (CS) and the CS Hub Twente. Specifically, representatives of the CS Hub Twente will give a short presentation about the CS Hub and share insights of their first network and exchange meeting on CS. Subsequently, we will engage a discussion about the needs of the UT community when it comes to CS and how the OSCT, OS in general, and the library can contribute to this. 

How to create and publish FAIR research datasets directly from your research environment?

When: 20th April 2023 at 14:00 - 15:30

Where: Learn-X (DesignLab)

Speaker: Serkan Girgin (ITC)


Abstract: The FAIR principles require research data to be published with complete metadata and ideally shared at different key milestones during the research. However currently, data publication and sharing happen mostly at the end, and published data mostly lack important supplementary information and metadata limiting its reusability. On the other hand, regular high-quality data publication takes time and requires manual interaction with the data repositories.

Virtual research environments facilitate research data production; however, although they are well connected to some research infrastructure, e.g., code repositories, their interoperability with research data repositories is weak. Open-source fairly toolset aims to bridge this gap by enabling easy research data publication directly from the research environment. The toolset, which includes a JupyterLab extension, a command-line tool, and a Python library, allows quick research data cloning, local data and metadata management, unattended upload of large datasets, and smart synchronization with remote data repositories with minimum effort.

During the talk the fairly toolset will be introduced, and its features will be demonstrated by creating and uploading research datasets to popular research data repositories, such as Zenodo, figshare, and 4TU.ResearchData.


Open Science and Recognition & Rewards need each other

When: 30th March 2023 at 14:00 - 15:00 (online)

Speaker: Sander Bosch (OS coordinator VU Amsterdam)

Abstract: There is a lot of momentum for both a more transparent and inclusive way of working in academia (Open Science) and a more fairly balanced system of Recognition & Rewards that does justice to the multitude of roles and tasks in academia. In this talk, I will reflect on how Open Science and Recognition & Rewards relate to each other in the context of a university, drawing from experiences from local (VU) and national Open Science programmes and Recognition & Rewards initiatives.

Slides Recording

Shaping Open Science

When: 23rd February 2023 at 15:00

Speaker: Raúl Zurita-Milla (OSCT), Wendy van Ginkel (DCC), Michiel de Boer (NLRN) & Maria Cruz (NWO)

Open Science will play an even more important role in education and research and will inevitably impact the way we teach and do research. The Shaping Open Science event highlights the national Open Science movement, as well as how Open Science will shape the landscape of research and education.


Open Science (it takes a village) - Raúl Zurita-Milla
Digital Competence Centre  (DCC) - Wendy van Ginkel
The Dutch Reproducibility Network (NLRN) - Michiel de Boer
Open Science at NWO - Maria Cruz